Dimitri Vangrunderbeek

Inventive Thinking Project
A photographic report of an experiment, where a series of research acts proposes a horizon of meaning, staged by the logic of inventive thinking presented in the text
Cartographier, construire, inventer : notes pour une épistemologie de la démarche de projet by Jean-Marc Besse
Les Carnets du payage
2001, automne, n°7. – p. 144-145
A project where a hypothesis (or a viewpoint) directs the research process by means of my artistic method by opposing it to a context.
'The sequences of images and thoughts, which by first sight can seem more or less chaotic, don’t stop because something is proven, but because the last act was the right one.
The logic of the project is about the work that had to be done and not about the rule that had to be used.' Besse, 2001
The experiment was set up in the context of my studio on three tables using only materials and objects which have been circulating in my studio for a while. The following set of key words gave direction to the acts:
surface, line, cut, materiality, spatiality.